Midland Junior High School
1930 Graduating Class
Midland County, Michigan
Right Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the photo for viewing.
Those receiving Diplomas are:
Bracht, Bernice
Boggs, Ethel
CaldweIl. William
Cleary, Robert
Cloud. Elliot
Crane, Kenneth
Cron, Oliver
Dittenber, Arthur
Dittenber, Esther
Freeman, Arthur
Goodshaw, Ruth
Greebe, Minnie
Haney, Viola
Hanley, Leo
Johnson, Winifred
Johnston, Clarence
Kelly, Corwin
Kelly, Vivian
Letler, Gladys
McDonald, Neil
McGraw, John
Marsh, George
Root, Dorothy
Schutte, Marguerite
Seeburger, Mary
Shepherd, Amy
VanSteinburg, Thelma
Walton, Donald
Wenger, Clifton
Wenger, Luella
Wixson, Martin
Wyman. Leona.
Abbey, Russell
Aldridge, Madeline
Anger, Edith
Anger, Norene
Bailey, Mark
Baldwin, Florence
Barnes, Dorothy
Beach. Lerona
Beauchamp, Gladys
Beden, Frances
Betts, Wilma
Bliss, A. T.
Bliss, Tom
Bradley, Robert
Brooks, Eugene
Brooks, Norma
Burdick, Frederick
Burgess, Ethel
Camp, Harper
Carrier, Stewart
Clark, Jeanne
Clason, Barbara
Collet, Amos
Coons, Murl
Costley, Aletha
Cummings, Gladys
Currie, Beulah
Delong, Sanford
Dixon, Joe
Draves, Viola
Driver, Bob
Duel, Vivian
Engle, Tom
Ensign, Freeman
Farison, Fern
Felton, Alex
Furst, Anna
Gibhardt, Marion
Glasgow, Donald
Glasgow, Harold
Graves, Rexford
Graves, William
Gyory, Elizabeth
Hardy, Ruth
Hart, Hazel
Haskins, Denelldia
Hatfield, Clarence
Heminger, Ruth
Heppinstall, Elnora
Heppinstall, Dorothy
Herrell, Eva
Hignite, James
Hilt, Charlotte
Hintz. Laurence
Hyer, Irene
Johnson, Elizabeth
Johnston, Virginia
LaFlure, Myrtle
Larabee, Dorothy
LaVeque, Mary
Lefler, Grace
Lewis, Allen
Lincoln, Arthur
Lincoln, Floyd
Loose, Helen
Lowry, Everett
McCann, Dorothy
McCann, Douglas
McCann, Tom
McDowell, Vern
McGraw, Charles
McKeith, Elizabeth
McKinnon, Donald
McMillan, Robert
Macomber, Claribel
Mapes, Ida
Matthews, Maxine
Middleton, Joe
Milner, Elaine
Mimer, Marjorie
O’Brien, Tom
Ostrander, Roland
Ottgeri, Ardis
Oviatt, Levi
Previtt, Lyle
Phillips, Lida
Pollard, Eleanor
Price, Allene
Quinn, Madonna
Reeves, Violet
Richardson, Carolyn
Roberts, Arthur
Sampson, Winifred
Sanford, Lauretta
Searfoss, Laura
Sherk, Betty
Sjolander, Erik
Sinclair, William
Smith, William
Skamelka, Ella
Snell, Mary
Snyder, Doris
Spitnale, Gladys
Stark, Naomi
Stickley, Helen
Stimpson, Marion
Supinger, Mary
Thorpe, Bernice
Venner, Helen
Waldron, Alice
Webster, George
Whitman, Margaret
Wise, Robert
Wonsitler, Glen
Woodcock, Iris
Woods, Evelyn
Wyman, Flossie
Junior High School Program
Down Main Street-March- Weidt
“I am now becoming what I hope to be”. Mr. Shaffer.
Just a memory – Reverie, John, Orchestra
Growing and going, Rev. Mr. Stevenson
Thistle-Down-Novelette, V. Scholes, Orchestra
Remarks, Mr. Huff
Distribution of Diplomas
Honor Students
A welcome to Senior High, Mr. Fairman
Benediction, Rev. Mr. Miller
Junior High First Honor Awards
B. Bendall, H. Britton, F. Burdick, H. Camp, B. Carr, J. Clark, B Clason, B.Currie, S. Curtis, M. Haley, P. Hardy, C. Hill, A. Lewis, C. Macomber, A. Mason, J. Middleton, A. Ottgen, O. Ottgen, L. Ovaitt, L. Phillips, L. Sanford, M. Snell, F. Speyer, M. Weinburg, W. Winkler
Second Award Honors
D. Potts, B. Sherk, A. Sherwood. A. Waldron.
Third Award Honors
Joe Dixon, V. Johnston
Class Officers
President – Helen Venner
Vice-President – Arthur Lincoln
Secretary-Treasurer – Dorothy McCann
Class Sponsors
Ruth Allen, Gerald Reinsmith, Percy Gardiner
Class Motto
Tonight we launch, where do we anchor?
Class Flower
Sweet Pea
Class Colors
Pink and green
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