____________________________________________________________ _______ ABANDONED CEMETERY (Hubbard Circle) Larkin Township Located in the center of the SW 1/4 of section 12, Old Bismark Rd. used to run diagonally through this section and burials were made in the center by a group of pine trees. This was near Hubbard Circle (Hubbard Road & Ehlers Road). According to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rinas no stones were ever placed there., they mounded the dirt on top of the grave. He said if you come in from Parish Road to N. on Forest Hill Drive to the end, into the woods aways, there is a pond a farmer dug out years ago for his cows. The cemetery is on the NW corner of the pond. Mr. Rinas said at one time they had a wooden fence around it, but it has fallen over now. The following information was gone over with him and some others in the area, and they thought those names sounded right for the dates. This was on October 31, 1998 by Margaret Wegner and Cheryl Speaker BEHLING, Augusta Burkusky (?) first wife of Fred Behling d. ca. 1906 BEHLING, baby son ( Augusta & Fred Wm.) KAISER / KYSER adult male (this one Mr Rinus remembers being buried higher on a hill because it was wet) RAMAIN, boy (d. in fire ca. 1913 - 1914) WESTPHAL, baby girl (d. late 1890's..relative remembers his father making the coffin and painting it red; it was carried on a wagon to the burial place.) DAMMANN, Wilhelm Gustav Johann Joachim bn. August 25, 1858 in Camin, Mecklenburg/ Schwerin, Germany; immigrated in 1881, d. August 29, 1908. m.Caroline Kruger Nov. 18, 1882 in Zilwaukee. (info from gr-grandaughter)
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© 1998 - 2020 by Cheryl Demski Speaker and Margaret Willerton Wegener
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