Hubbard, Michigan
Located in Section 11, Larkin Township on the south side of Hubbard Road between Jefferson & Waldo Roads, across from the old brinewell, in the pines. Members of this community were also buried in Beaver Lutheran Cemetery. Read on Oct. 31, 1998 by Cheryl Speaker & Margaret Wegner Additional information on the cemetery can be obtained from Karen Schultz.
Griebe, Albert February 18, 1900 – Feb. 28, 1925 Son of Julius & Augustin
Kapanka, Amalia 1841 – March 16, 1925 aged 85 years
Kapanka, Amanda 1891 – July 29, 1913 aged 22 years 11 months. First wife of Herman
Kapanka, Emelia 1870 – November 14, 1927 aged 57 years. Wife of Albert
Kapanka, Fred Henry October 6, 1915 – October 7, 1915. Son of Ferdinand
Krentz, Lena died 1912 aged 6 years. Daughter of Herman, Sr.
Kullick, infant child of Edward no dates
Mieske, Helen daughter of Ludwig no dates
Mieske, Leona daughter of Ludwig no dates
Schalk, baby - no dates
Schalk, Herman 1856 – March 19, 1925 aged 63 years 2 months 1 day, born
Germany son of John Schalk
Schalk, Johanna 1861 – July 28, 1922 aged 61 years 5 months 14 days, born
Germany daughter of Carl Rifenburg
Tober, Arthur died October 18, 1915 aged 6 months
Tober, Gustov November 27, 1906 – June 11, 1918 aged 11 years 6 months 14 days; of typhoid fever Son of Fred and Amelia
Tober, Samuel died March 24, 1916 aged 13 days
Hubbard was an active community from the late 1890’s until the 1930’s. They were predominately German settlers who came to seek work on a proposed railroad project. They had their own school along with a church. The railroad jobs never materialized.
by Margaret Wegner